Miniature Schnauzer Club Of Northern California
"MSCNC is the AKC-accredited Miniature Schnauzer club for northern California. It is the only Miniature Schnauzer club in northern California that may hold AKC shows. MSCNC holds two shows a year, one in the spring, the other in the fall." After 40 years as a dog club, MSCNC has grown to more than 60 members. Lists of dog club activities & more.
Norcal. California
Bedlington Terrier Club Of The West
The Bedlington Terrier Club of the West is a club dedicated to the promotion of interest in the Bedlington Terrier breed. We like to encourage new fanciers & we hold an annual Bedlington Terrier Specialty Show in June." Great info on this dog club´s earthdog competitions as well as the agility forums they compete in. These are fast little terriers.
Northern California Bearded Collie Fanciers
An AKC Licensed Club. Conformation, Obedience, Herding and Agility dog club activities for members involved. Website has a dog breeder referral section for Bearded Collies, event calender, award section for dog competitors and their handlers and more.
North CA. California
The Oakland Dog Training Club
"The Oakland Dog Training Club is a non-profit organization dedicated to dog training. We teach people how to train their dogs to become well-behaved members of the family. We also teach people how to train their dogs for AKC obedience competition. Both purebred & mixed breed dogs welcomed. Classes are held near Pt. Isabel, Albany, & Richmond.
Oakland. California
Briard Club Of California Is A California Regional Dog Club
"The founders of the Briard Club of California first became interested in Briards (1984). There was only one club in Ca, Briard´s West. Most Briard enthusiasts belonged to this club & the Briard Club of America. To participate in a Briard event, 1 had to travel to NorCal. The club has an annual Day in The Country Event the last weekend of the year.
CA. California
Northern California Brittany Club
"The goal of NorCal Brittany Club is to promote cooperation & friendship among the owners/breeders of Brittanys & to encourage the highest standards in breeding, training, & showing of Brittanys in the field/show ring. NCBC is a member of the American Brittany Club - a member of the American Kennel Club & American Field´s recognized breed sponsor."
Norcal. California
The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club of Greater San Diego
Lots of information on this particular dog breed is dissemenated here. Photos of Cavalier King Charles dogs, club membership application, details on their dog rescue, available puppies and alot more.
Bonita San Diego. California
Contra Costa County Kennel Club
Serving the Pure Bred Dog Fanciers of Contra Costa County since 1943. "The Contra Costa Kennel Club is a non-profit organization that serves the dog fanciers of the San Francisco East Bay area. We are an A.K.C. member club and provide various services like: A yearly 2 day Dog Show and Obedience Trial. A yearly "B" match, Rescue/Breeder Referral +."
Contra Costa County. California
The Channel City Kennel Club
"Established in 1970, Channel City Kennel Club is a non-profit dog club devoted to furthering and protecting the interests of purebred dogs and fanciers. CCKC is a member club of the American Kennel Club. Our activities include conducting AKC Dog Shows and Obedience Trials, Matches and Canine Good Citizenship tests. Results from previous matches.
Goleta. California
Central Valley Rat Terrier Club
"We are a fun loving group of all ages and all interests who have joined together to enjoy owning a very special breed of dog known as the Rat Terrier." Website includes Central Valley Rat Terrier Club Event Dates for agility contests and more. They have an online club membership app, code of ethics and list of goals for their dog club.
Central Valley CA. California
The Dalmatian Club of Northern California, Inc. (DCNC)
"A non-profit organization composed of people who love Dalmatians. Some members are strictly pet owners; many others are also actively involved in breeding Dalmatians, showing in conformation, obedience and other performance events. Our Breeders Directory lists the names of breeders who have puppies and adults available." Rescued dogs too.
Northern CA. California
Irish Terrier Club Of Northern California
"The ITCNC has close to 100 menbers. Many are actively training/showing their dogs in obedience & breed competition. There is a great support group of experienced members who help new owners with grooming & training. Most of the Irish shown in NorCal are handled by their owners. Several members´ dogs have at least 1 obedience title & Champions."
Northern CA. California
Del Valle Dog Club
"Del Valle Dog Club´s primary goal is to help promote the health and welfare of purebred dogs. Del Valle believes in educating the public regarding responsible dog ownership and care. This dog club is mainly supported by people that live in the tri-valley area. Interested in dog classes? Del Valle offers both conformation and obedience sessions."
Livermore. California
Nor-Cal Rottweiler Performance Club
"Nor-Cal Rottweiler Performance Club is a group of Rottweiler owners committed to improving the public image of this wonderful dog breed by educating the public on responsible ownership. We´re a "German-style" club & focus on Rottweilers as working dogs, & place emphasis on obedience, movement & temperament, as well as the physical conformation."
Norcal. California
The Great Western Flat-Coated Retriever Club
"The Great Western Flat-Coated Retriever Club is made up of owners of much loved pets, persons interested in competing in various areas of the sport of dogs and of breeders of quality Flat- Coats. The membership has in common a love for the Flat- Coat breed and wishes to protect it from the follies of uninformed & uncontrolled breeding practices."
Gavilan Kennel Club Of Gilroy & The South Bay Area
This dog club consistently has All Breed Obedience and Rally Workshops, AKC Sanctioned All Breed Conformation Show and Obedience Matches, a AKC Sanctioned B Match and more. "If you are a purebred dog owner, breeder, handler or admirer in the vicinity of Gilroy or the south Bay Area and would like to join the club... we´d love to have you!"
Gilroy. California
Great Dane Dog Club Of California
"Promoting responsible breeding of Great Danes, encouraging the exhibition of Great Danes, supporting Breeders, Owners, Exhibitors, Judges, and all others interested in the Breed to study the standard of the Great Dane as adopted by the Great Dane Club of America and as approved by the American Kennel Club." Past and future dog events are listed.
Canyon Country. California
The Nor-Cal Norwich And Norfolk Terrier Dog Club
This is absolutely one of the best places on the web to research and learn further about the Norfolk Terrier & Norwich Terrier dog breeds. This very large website represents the Northern California´s dog owners club of this spirited dog breed. Join their club or learen more about the their health, breed standard and see photos.
NORCAL. California
Golden State Rottweiler Club Of California
This Rottweiler Club specific website provides some referrals to breeders, the history of this Roman/German dog breed, some EXCELLENT advice on searching for a puppy, and more. Included is an extensive club member gallery of all the photographed Rottweilers. Links also to the Rottweiler Rescue of Los Angeles.
Golden Valley Kennel Club, Inc. All Breed Kennel Club
"We present two dog shows & obedience trials annually under the rules of the AKC. We conduct Canine Good Citizen® tests each spring & award Canine Good Citizen® Certificates to dogs that qualify. Golden Valley Kennel Club sponsors regular conformation & obedience classes. The dog club provides education & info to the general public.
Modesto Stanislaus County. California
Hangtown Kennel Club AKC-licensed All-Breed Dog Club
"Our members come from all walks of life and represent a wide variety of breeds. Many club members are actively involved in AKC competition events such as conformation, obedience, hunting test, and agility trials, spending their weekends at events throughout the USA.
Placerville. California
Green Valley Spaniel Club
"Green Valley Spaniel Club is an AKC club in Northern California whose members own and hunt Spaniels. Our members come from all over the greater SF Bay Area--Santa Rosa to San Jose. Yearly events include a AKC Field Trial for English Springer Spaniels every March, and AKC Spaniel Hunting Test in February. Meetings are twice/year."
Norcal. California
The Sacramento Valley Shetland Sheepdog Club
The Sacramento Valley Shetland Sheepdog Club was established to host AKC Specialty Shows and to promote, educate, and preserve the quality of the Shetland Sheepdog for those care about and are interested in the breed. SVSSC is an American Shetland Sheepdog Association (ASSA) member club.
sacramento. California
The Mixed Breed Dog Club of California (MBDCofCA)
"The Mixed Breed Dog Club of California is the local chapter for the state of Ca. If you have a mixed breed & would like to work toward an obedience, conformation, or tracking title, you should join as a participating member." MBDCofCA publishs quarterly newsletters - Mixed Review & Mutt Muster, that provide info on upcoming events & results.
Northern California Alaskan Malamute Association
Lots of dog activities for these Alaskan Malamute dog owners including: Weight Pulling contests, Carting, Hiking and Backpacking & Dog Agility Training and Trials. They have many annual fun events you may want to check out if you want to join: AKC Alaskan Malamute Specialty Show, Christmas Party, Snow Days in the Sierras, etc.
Norcal, Livermore. California
The Newfoundland Dog Club Of Northern California
The Newfoundland Club of Northern Ca provides 4 types of memberships: from Associate level to Lifetime membership in their Newfy dog club. This well executed website offers Newfoundland breeders. The Newfoundland Club of Northern CA (NCNC) formed its Rescue Committee in the late 70´s. Its mission is to find homes for displaced purebred Newfs.
Northern California Siberian Husky Club, Inc.
" The Club´s meetings are held at a local park or at a member´s home in the Bay Area. The meetings consist mainly of Club business, but often include a program or video of interest to fanciers, including conformation, obedience, sledding, general care, grooming, nutrition, genetics, and inherited problems." General Siberian and Pure-bred Dog FAQ.
NorCal. California
The Basenji Club Of Northern California, Inc., (BCONC)
Great Basenji dog breed club with all kinds of information on the breed can be found at this website. Specialty match results, upcoming events for Basenji dog owners, some great info on buying Basenji puppies and more. Also learn about the clubs by-laws, this breeds specific health challenges and more.
The Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Northern California
"We welcome Bernese owners & admirers to join us at any of our many fun events. Anyone may join, whether you own a Berner at this time or not. Advantages of joining a breed club before having a dog include being able to meet dogs from many different breeders, meeting breeders themselves, & discovering more about the breed."
Northern California Pug Club
A group of people interested in Pugs gathered together at the Petaluma fairgrounds in the spring of 88 to form this Pug Dog Club. Objectives: make available the opportunity for people in NorCal to learn more about the Pug breed & to keep them informed of current happenings in the dog world.
Norcal San Fran. Bay Area. California