Dog Clubs And Organizations In Orange County, Los Angeles And Areas Throughout North America

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Orange Empire Dog Club, Inc.
"Orange Empire Dog Club, Inc. is an all-breed dog club. We are a member of the American Kennel Club, and are a non-profit corporation, chartered in San Bernardino County, California. It is fitting that the largest county in geographical area in the United States is the Home Base for one of the Nation’s largest all breed dog clubs."
Bloomington. California

The Dog Training Club Of Salinas Valley
"Located in the Salinas Valley of California, an AKC affiliated club with the goals of promoting training for dogs and education to the general public. The club meets monthly and offers classes in Salinas and Castroville. They also put on run-thrus in Spreckels in order to provide everyone a chance to train their dogs."
Salinas Valley. California

The San Joaquin Kennel Club (SJKC)
"The San Joaquin Kennel Club (SJKC) is an all breed dog club and non-profit organization which encourages the responsible breeding, training, handling, exhibiting and maintenance of dogs by all dog fanciers." Includes an extensive list of Annual Dog Shows and Matches.
Acampo San Joaquin. California

Santa Clara Dog Training Club
"Santa Clara Dog Training Club is an AKC member that has actively been conducting training classes in the San Jose & south Bay Area for over fifty years. Our staff is comprised of highly qualified professional trainers. We offer a myriad of classes that are suited for dog owners interested in having well behaved dogs or in competition obedience."
San Jose Santa Clara County. California

Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Club Of Northern California
Incredibly expansive show results pages for those Soft Coated Wheatons in past competitions. Their Breeders List includes members actively involved in breeding. All club members must abide by SCWTCNC´s Constitution & By-Laws and Code of Ethics, as well as the American Kennel Club´s guidelines for a Responsible Breeder." Tons of pup info!
Norcal. California

San Francisco Bay West Highland White Terrier Club
"The West Highland White Terrier Club of America (WHWTCA) is the only official American National Club for Westies. The WHWTCA website contains extensive Westie information including the Acquiring a Westie, Westie Health Concerns, Training & Behavior articles, Activities for You and Your Westie, Team Westie and upcoming Specialty Shows."
Nor-Cal. California

Sierra West Bernese Mountain Dog Club
"Sierra West BMDC was founded in 1989 to further the sport of dog showing, to educate its members on this dog breed & to promote good sportsmanship & responsible dog ownership. We have roughly 170 members. Although we primarily serve the East Bay Counties of Alameda, Contra Costa and Santa Clara, there isn´t any geographic restrictions to joining.
Santa Clara Alameda Contra Costa. California

San Joaquin Miniature Schnauzer Club (SJMSC)
"The San Joaquin Miniature Schnauzer Club (SJMSC) provides opportunities for owners of all ages to responsibly participate in improving & enjoying every aspect of the breed. The club fosters a supportive environment where common interests are targeted & relationships nurtured. The club helps ensure members & the community are well informed."
Livermore, San Joaquin. California

Skyline Dog Fanciers Of San Mateo County
Skyline held its first back-to-back all breed dog shows & obedience trials in January 1997, & they have been held annually since. The shows are held indoors at the San Mateo County Expo Center in San Mateo. Skyline also holds 4 obedience training sessions yearly. The Fall, Winter & Spring meets are held indoors at the San Mateo County Expo Center.
San Bruno San Mateo. California

San Luis Obispo Kennel Club
"Established in 1961, the San Luis Obispo Kennel Club, which is sanctioned by the American Kennel Club (AKC), was created to support and encourage the proper care and breeding of purebred dogs, to help improve the genetic health of the various breeds while maintaining high breed standards, and to educate the public on a variety of canine issues."
Cambria San Luis Obispo. California

The Southern California Chihuahua Club
"The Southern California Chihuahua club is the oldest licensed club in California. The Club was formed in 1944 and has been holding Specialty Shows in conjunction with California associated specialty clubs since 1945. Chihuahua Rescue resources here as well! They also have some high quality photos of Chihuahuas that show this dog breed´s diversity.
Clovis. California

Mensona Kennel Club, Inc In Northern Cal.
"Mensona Kennel Club, Inc., is located in Northern California, one hour north of San Francisco, in the heart of Sonoma county. We are an AKC member club and have been a part of Sonoma county since 1953. Always interested in the community, one of the main goals of our club is to help dog owners become responsible pet owners through education."
Sonoma. California

Monterey Bay Search Dogs
"You´ll spend the first 10 weeks observing/helping with the training of the more advanced dogs. You are welcome to bring your puppy or dog to training. During the next 10 weeks you will be helping with the training of the more advanced dogs. By working with dogs at several stages of training, you´ll get an idea about the training you´ll be doing."
monterey bay. California

The Sacramento Valley Weimaraner Club
"The S.V.W.C. is an AKC sanctioned club that produces an annual specialty & obedience trial & a field trial. We offer other fun events like agility play days & hunting training sessions too. Club members do all types of activities with their Weims from conformation showing to hunt tests, obedience, tracking, therapy dog visits & agility too."
Sacramento Valley. California

Yorkshire Terrier Club Of Northern California
"Yorkshire Terrier Club of Northern California, Inc. is a non profit organization constituting an association of breeders and pet fanciers who are dedicated towards the betterment of the breed."
Northern Cal.. California

Adopt A Chow Chow In LA - Chow Dog Breed Rescue
Unbeleivable just how many beautiful purebred Chows & Chow mixes they have available for adoption on this site. All with photos & concise synopsis. Literally 100´s. Forget the breeders! This is the place to go to search for a Chow or mix breed with Chow no matter where you live in North America. URGENT adoption needed. Be quick with a life saver.
Marina Del Rey Los Angeles County. California

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Dog Clubs & Kennel Clubs In Orange County Los Angeles County San Diego County Riverside County
As there are many different types of dog clubs, associations, dog registries, and professional associations in the Orange County, California and the greater LA area, I thought I would provide an easy means for dog owners to find these resources by listing them here. If you are seeking dog rescues, shelters or humane societies in Orange County, Los Angeles and surrounding areas, I encourage you to search for those particular topics within the noted link or main menu. I’ve endeavored to include not only nonprofit dog clubs, but also “for profit” dog clubs as well so as to leave no stone unturned. Resources and links include purebred & mixed breed kennel clubs within Orange County, fly ball and agility clubs, as well as general showdog organizations and “specialty” clubs. Although you may find a few dog training clubs here also, you may want to refer to the Dog Training And Schools page. Please list your Greater LA dog organization or club website under our Add-URL page to appear here.  
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