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Shih Tuz puppies available. Our puppies are hand raised and well cared for and healthy. We breed quality parents close to breed standards to bring you an exceptional puppy. Don’t just purchase a puppy.
Garvin. Oklahoma

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Many Dog Breeds Available By Local Dog Breeders in Orange County Los Angeles (LA) San Diego Riverside +
Dog Breeds and Dog Breeders. This is a resourceful database to assist you in your quest to find that perfect dog breed to bring home with you. Included are dogs for sale from breeders offering puppies, adult dogs, as well as canine stud services where available. Most of the links you’ll find her are fairly good representations of professional show dog breeders as well as hobby operators in the Orange County, Los Angeles and surrounding California counties. Dog breeders from other states may also be included for research purposes. One Caveat: DO YOUR RESEARCH. And please do not ultimately choose a particular breed due to its physical appearance. This is by far the most common mistake.

Equally as important is the dog breeder in which you choose to obtain your new canine pal from. Just like the research that was required to find the perfect, compatible dog breed to match your personal interests, I further suggest to do your due diligence in interviewing the dog breeders you may be considering. Reputable dog breeders will usually be more than enthusiastic to tell you all about their particular dogs: the breed itself, provide descriptions & documentation of the dogs parents/bloodline, extensive dog pictures, references to other dog owners where they have placed their pups, and any and all pet health records. Consider this just a start when researching dogs for sale.

Some last thoughts. *Please* don’t forget that we are blessed with an abundance of local dog rescues and shelters that have some BEAUTIFUL dogs which love more than anything to come home and be a part of your family. People really need to think of these sources of dog adoption as a *first* choice in many cases as opposed to a last resource. Never felt like a hero? You WILL if and when you find a compatible dog or cat to adopt and light up your life. I’ve adopted two dogs myself and they have really benefited my life beyond words. As usual, use your discretion when also researching and getting to know your “pound puppies” and rescue/shelter dogs.
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