Pet Website Owners Add A Free Website Listing To The Pet Services & Pet Supplies Directory

Complete  The  Following  Forms  By  Filling  In  Each Number's Requested Information From Box 1
And Finishing Your Application With Box 9. With Each Box, Read & Follow The Important Help Text.

Attention Dog Pooper Scooper Companies: Do NOT fill out the form below. You MUST EMAIL US first to advertise in the Pooper Scooper Directory


 characters used

50 To 80 characters long. This is THE most important words you will write and should include your most important keyword phrases. If you have a PET SERVICE website: The most important text to add is the type of service you offer. Example: Dog Walking & Pet Sitting Services. The second most important keywords to type are the city or county areas you support. Example: In Las Vegas & Henderson City, Nevada. The least important text to add would be the name of your company. Rarely helps. So a strong SERVICE ad listing TITLE will look like this: "Dog Walking & Pet Sitting Services In Las Vegas & Henderson City, Nevada."

If you have a PET PRODUCT website: Add many important keyword phrases that best describe the most important pet products that you market. Example: "Custom Made Pet Accessories: Dog Collars Horse Blankets Pet Clothes & Bird Cages +" All websites should include many important keyword phrases up to 80 characters. Avoid using commas.


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Only submit your home page URL, not interior pages. Never submit to our website multiple times or you will be banned.


 characters used

A Minimum of 400 Characters To A Maximum Of 900. The form will not submit if you do not offer 400 characters of text. The longer the better! I personally read & expand every submission. You will need to take a deep breath and offer a very well thought out description of all of your services and/or pet products you offer on your website. Do not copy word for word text from your site!

I am looking for UNIQUE content, that is well written with proper punctuation or I will delete it. Consider carefully keyword phrases that people will use to find your website offerings and use them here without being overly redundant. Speak with passion like you are talking to the person you want to sell to. If you are just looking for a "link", please navigate away from this site. Want a quality advertisement? Please submit one.